Oral Surgery Information

Oral Surgery Information

Our goal with equine dentistry is to identify, treat or manage concerns in the mouth to make our patients as comfortable and efficient with mastication as possible. If the dental disease has become too advanced or is not responding to therapies, extraction becomes necessary. Northwest Equine Dentistry provides intra-oral extraction services when that time comes.

Coordinating an Appointment

Northwest Equine Dentistry partners with several clinics and hospitals in the area to provide a location and service that works best for each horse and their needs.

A basic extraction, such as a wolf tooth or cap removal, can be performed at your location. For more advanced extractions a clinical setting provides support for your horse and allows me to be the most proficient for the best possible outcome.  

Pricing and Payment

Please contact us to request an estimate as each procedure and horse is different. 

Payment is due at time of service in the form of cash, check or credit card.

If another hospital is hosting or assisting with the procedure, please anticipate two separate invoices.

Preparation for Extraction Day

Extraction of a tooth can be a stressful event for a horse.  Preparation for the procedure can help avoid potential unforeseen complications and allow your horse’s body to focus on healing.

-Vaccines: Your horse should be up to date on vaccines including but not limited to tetanus and flu/rhino. Please consult with your general practitioner for specific needs.

-Preoperative Bloodwork: If your horse is older, has a history of abnormal values on bloodwork, requires general anesthesia for the procedure and/or has recent outward changes a basic blood panel may be recommended and should have been performed within the past 6 months.

-PPID:  If your horse has been diagnosed with Cushing’s disease (PPID) please ensure that he/she is properly medicated and ACTH levels are controlled prior to appointment. If not well managed, the immune system will not function properly and potentially lead to delayed healing or increased risk of infection.

-Medications: Please inform me of your horse’s current medications at time of scheduling as modifications may need to be made. Please let me know of any allergies or adverse reactions to medications or feed

-Gastric Ulcers: If your horse has been receiving Equioxx, Bute or Banamine, has a history of gastriculcers, stress diarrhea, poor appetite or anxious about transportation etc, please begin ulcergard at a preventative dose the day before and morning of surgery.

-Manure: Please ensure your horse is having normal feces prior to appointment. Underlying issues such as sand accumulation, parasite load or long fecal fibers can lead to GI concerns. Treatment or diet changes should be completed 2 weeks prior to appointment. Probiotics are recommended if your horse is prone to diarrhea.

-Food: Please have pellets in the form of hay pellets or a complete feed such as Equine Senior available at home to make a mash for your horse post procedure.  If you do not already give a mash please introduce your horse to one prior to surgery.

Extraction Day

-Drop Off: Depending on hospital location a time for your appointment may be provided, or there will be a drop off time in the morning. If you have an appointment time, please be prepared if the prior procedure is taking longer. Tooth extractions do not always go as planned and may require more time.  We appreciate your patience. Please also know that your appointment may take longer than anticipated as well and plan accordingly. If dropping off your horse for the day, I or a member of the team will greet you and walk your horse to their stall.

-Pick Up: If you have a scheduled procedure time please anticipate 45mins-1.5 hours after the surgery ends before your horse can go home. If your horse was dropped off in the morning, please be aware that pick up time varies widely based on which horse goes first (order based on team’s medical decision, how fast your horse recovers from sedation, return of GI motility etc. If a specific pick up time is required, it may be best to schedule for the following day and plan for you horse to board overnight.

-Medications: Please bring a days worth of medications that your horse is currently taking in case it is recommended he/she stays for a longer period of time.  

-Meal: Please bring one meal (hay and pellets) or more if a longer hospital stay is anticipated.

-Cooler/Blanket: Please bring a cooler in anticipation of your horse sweating with sedation.  The horses recover better if they stay warm.

Post Procedure Expectations

Specific discharge instructions will be provided at the end of procedure in paper or electronic form. For general information please review the following:

-Monitoring: Observe closely for the first 24-48hrs for signs of colic or excessive discomfort. Your horse should have the desire to eat but may take 12-24 hrs to bounce back from the sedative/anesthetic.  Be aware that the most common complication to a dental procedure is ileus following sedation. A follow up visit to administer oral fluids the following day may be necessary or be recommended at time of discharge.

-Swelling: Watch for signs of swelling or heat at the location of regional nerve blocks or catheter/IV injection site. Please call if these should occur more than expected or worsen.

-Food: Please plan on giving small mashes and handfuls of hay frequently the first 24hrs to avoid colic if advised. Specific feedin instruction will be provided and are important to follow. If one or more incisors were extracted, do not feed your horse in a feeder or haynet. Avoid hard treats if a cheek tooth was extracted.

-Medications: The most common medications prescribed are oral pain medications (NSAIDS, gabapentin), gastrogard and/or antibiotics. If your horse is unwilling or you are unable to administer oral medications, please let me know prior so that we can plan accordingly.

-Recheck: Anticipate at least one to possibly multiple additional appointments with your general practitioner or me to evaluate how the socket(s) is healing. 

-Lavaging: Be prepared to lavage your horse’s mouth with a large syringe or a water hose on low pressure if advised. Large syringes can be provided.

-Exercise/Riding: No forced activity for the first 3-5 days. Normal turnout is recommended if your horse can be monitored and not out with other horses that will behaviorally limit food/water access and rest. Horses can typically have a bit in his/her mouth after 2 weeks, unless advised differently at a follow-up appointment.